
Tuesday 9 July 2013

Spelling Task

Does it make sense?
LI: To write sentences that make sense
Order the words in these sentences so that the sentences make sense

1. courier house delivered parcel at the Susan’s a
The courier delivered a parcel at Susan’s house
2. pilot man an the is who aeroplane the flies
The pilot is the man who flies an aeroplane
3. swans on were the swimming river the
The swans  were swimming on the river
4. month is January the first called
The first month is called January
5. flock birds south flying the of were
The flock of birds were flying south
6. gang robbed thieves the train of the
The gang of thieves robbed the train
7. choir Christmas sang our at concert the a carol
Our choir sang a Christmas carol at the concert
8. house kennel called a dog’s is a
A kennel is a dog’s house
9. Australia boat wool from the brought
The boat from Australia brought wool the made oak the of was in dining room
The furniture in the dining room was made of oak

11.eggs make twelve dozen a
Twelve eggs makes a dozen
12.year the  spring seasons and summer are of autumn the winter
The seasons of the year are Spring Summer Autumn and Winter
13.must cycle we carefully side left on the road the of
We must cycle carefully on the right side of the road Francis the sailed Chichester round
Francis chichester sailed around the world
15.must stop we red light the at and at go the light green
We must stop at the red light and go at the green light
16.hutch rabbit made new for pet Tim a his
Tim made a new hutch for his pet rabbit

LI: To write compound sentences using connectives that join two ideas together in an interesting wAY

Use the picture above to help you write 5 compound sentences. Challenge yourself by experimenting with words that you have not used before.

My friend and i was having fun until his mum came.
its fun playing with guns however it’s dangerous.
it will be cool to be priceable therefore it will never happen.
sweets are nice but its bad for your teeth.
We were playing games on our net-book unlikely it was taken off us

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