
Thursday 13 June 2013

Making Sets

Making Sets
LI: To use our number knowledge to make sets of numbers

   2         4          5         9          12        13       19        24         25         28      35      40       54        81          100       114         125        144  

Room 3 is trying to make sets of numbers (with at least four members) using the numbers in the box.

Kim suggests odd numbers
(5, 9, 13, 19, 25, 35, 81, 125)

Ahmed suggests multiples of 3
(9, 12, 24, 54, 81, 114, 144)

How many different sets of numbers (with at least four members) can you find?

multiple of 5:  (5,25,35,40,125)

multiple of 4: (4,12,24,28,40,100,144)

multiple of 6: (12 24 54 114 )

multiple of 2: 2,4,12,24,28,40,100,114,144

smallest to biggest: .2,4,5,9, 12,13,19,24.25,28,35,40,54,81,100,114,

biggest to smallest 144,125,114,100,81,54,40,35,28,25,24,19,13,12,,9,5,4,2

multiple of 9: 9 54 81

even numbers: 2 4 12 24 28 40 54 100 114 144

odd numbers: 5 9 13 19 25 35 81 135

This is my maths task. We had to make groups out of all the numbers in that green box. See how many you can make?

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