
Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Information Report

Information Report
Agent of Change: Sugata Mitra
What is the title of your information report?
Agents of Change can make a difference in children’s education

Introduce your topic by writing two interesting facts about Sugata Mitra’s experiment that will hook in the reader.
Professor Sugata Mitra  is best  known for his "Hole in the Wall" idea.
Did you know that he did  an experiment to help children in India learn. He placed a computer in the wall of his office in Kalkaji next to a slum and watched as the children took turns pushing the buttons.

Second paragraph:
Write 3 sentences explaining what an agent of change is, what Sugata Mitra’s vision was and how he hoped to achieve it.
An agent of change is someone who’s inspired to make a difference in the world.  His vision was to introduce technology to help kids with their learning and prove that teachers can be replaced by technology.

Third paragraph:
Write a paragraph telling your audience about the effect the computers had on the village.  What have they achieved?
The effect the computers had was huge. It  helped them achieve lots of things like how to send emails and how to search for information. The computers where in English but the kids worked out  what to do by collaborating.  That means they worked together to solve the problem.

Fourth paragraph:
Explain what the ‘Granny cloud’ is and how it has helped these children make connections with their learning?
Another way the children have been helped to make connections with their learning is through the granny cloud. The granny cloud is a group of grandmothers in the UK who log on once a week to Skype with the children in India and praise them because of what they are learning. It keeps the children motivated.
End your information report with one of your best interest in fact
That he was going to change teachers into computers


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