
Wednesday 19 September 2012

Olympic report by Henry

Do you know some of the similarities between ancient olympics and modern? This term our class are focusing on the similarities and differences between the ancient olympics and modern olympics.  Some of the factors I have looked at are: events, participants, preparation, countries, prizes and the time frame.

The events are a little similar to each other because they still have horse races, boxing and sprint races.  There are differences because the modern olympic have added a whole lot of new sports like high jump, swimming, and water polo.  

The equipment in the ancient olympics is different because the modern olympic sports have swimming,  high jump and hockey but back in ancient Greece they had no courts at all only a field and for seats they had to sit on rocks.  

The time frame of the modern and ancient olympics are the same because the olympic games are held every four years.  A man called Hercules had won a race and said to all athletes to train for 10 months to prepare before olympics games began.  

The places the games are held is very different because in the ancient games the games were held in Greece and only greek men competed.  Now in the modern olympics they are held all over the world in many places.  Both men and women are allowed to compete.

If ladies were caught watching the ancient games they would have been pushed off a cliff,  but in the modern games women are now allowed to go and watch and to represent their country.
The biggest difference between the ancient and modern olympics is the countries involved.  In the ancient olympics it is only Greek men but now in the modern olympics all countries are allowed to compete.

The ancient prizes were different to the modern because prizes in the modern olympics are gold, silver and bronze medals and flowers, but in the ancient olympics they had an olive crown that they put around their heads.

So those were the similarities and differences between the ancient and modern olympics.  These are the factors that I used: events, participants, countries, prizes, and the time frame.  So now you know some of the similarities and differences between modern and ancient Olympics.

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