
Monday 8 April 2013

Eastern Beach Recount: Henry

Eastern Beach Recount

“Ouchie! Wowie!” I said as we arrived at Eastern Beach.  I was boiling, I felt like a stove and I couldn't wait to swim. When we arrived we all had to sit down together because our principal, Mr Johnston was giving us instructions and showing us where we were and were not allowed to go.  When he finished we all went to our spot to have morning tea. I ran as fast as a cheetah to the spot with the most shade under a huge gigantic tree!

After I ate I went and played touch with Room 7. When that started to get boring I went to play cricket. Finally  it was my team’s turn to go kayaking  with Ms Kirkpatrick.  The first thing we all had to do was find a life jacket that could fit us, then we all got in a circle and she showed us how to paddle.  Then it was time to hop in our kayak. I paddled off as soon as I hopped in and went as fast as I could to the pink buoy.  

When we got there we had to hold on to each others kayaks. Ms Kirkpatrick gave us a challenge. Our challenge was to stand up and walk across the kayaks to another kayak without falling into the water! It was tricky but we managed to get there. As soon as we finished I had a race with Ms Kirkpatrick. Unfortunately I lost  but it was heaps of fun. After kayaking we got to have a quick swim before it was time to go back to school.

On the bus on the way back I  looked at everyone smiling and laughing and thought to myself ‘We had fun!’

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